Here begynneth a shorte treatyse of contempla

cyon taught by our lorde Ihesu cryste / or taken out

of the boke of Margerie kempe of lyn̅Lynn.

 He desyred many tymes that her he

 de myght be smyten of with an axe

 vpon a blocke for the loue of our lor

 de Ihesu. Thenne sayd oure lorde

 Ihesu in her mynde. I thanke the

 doughter that thou woldest dye for

my loue / for as often as thou thy̅kestthynkest so thou shalt

haue the same mede in heuen / as yf thou suffredest

the same dethe / & yet there shall no man slee the.

I assure þeþe in thy mynde / yf it were possyble me

to suffre payne ageyne / as I haue done afore / me

were leuer to suffre as moche payne as euer I dyde

for thy soule alone / rather than thou sholdest de⸗

parte fro me euerlastynge.

Doughter thou mayst no better please god than

to thy̅kethynke contynually in his loue. Than she asked

our lorde Ihesu cryste / how she sholde best loue him

And our lorde sayd / haue mynde of thy wycked⸗

nes and thynke on my goodnes.

Doughter yf thou were the haberyon / or þeþe here

fastynge brede & water / & yf þuþu saydeste euery day

a thousande pater nt ᷑noster. thou sholde not please me so

well as thou dost whan þuþu art in scylence / & suffrest

me to speke in thy soule

Doughter for to byd many bedes /it is good to

A i


them that cannot better do / & yet it is not profyte.

But it is a good way towarde perfeccyon. For I

tell the doughter / they that be grete fasters / & grete

doers of penau̅cepenaunce. they wolde that it shold be holde

the beste lyf / And they that gyue them to many de

uocyons / they wolde haue that þeþe best lyfe. And tho

that gyuen moche almesse / they wolde that it were

holden the best lyfe. And I haue often tolde þeþe dou⸗

ghter / that thynky̅gethynkynge / wepynge / & hye co̅templacycontemplacy

on is þeþe best lyf in erthe / & thou shalt haue more me

ryte in heuen for one yere thynkynge in thy mynde

than for an hondred yere of prayeng wtwyth thy mouth

& yet thou wylte not beleue me. for thou wylte byd

many bedes.

Doughter yf thou knewe how swete thy loue is

to me / þuþu woldest neuer do other thy̅gethynge but loue me

with all thy herte.

Dought͛Doughter yf thou wylt be hye wtwyth me in heuen ke

pe me alway in thy mynde as moche as þuþu mayst &

forgete not me at thy mete / but thynke alway þtþat I

fyt in thy herte & knowe euery thought þtþat is therin

both good and badde.

Doughter I haue suffred many paynes for thy

loue / therfore þuþu hast gret cause to loue me ryght wel

for I haue bought thy loue full dere.

Dere lorde I praye the late me neuer haue other

Ioye in erth but mournynge & wepynge for thy lo

ue / for me thynketh lorde /though I were in hel/yf

I myght wepe there & mourne for thy loue as I do

here / hell sholde not noye me / but it sholde be a ma

ner heuen / for thy loue putteth away al maner of

drede of our gostly enemye / for I had leuer be the

re as longe as þuþu woldest & please the / than to be in

this worlde & dysplease the / therfore good lorde as

thou wylte so mote it be.

She had grete wonder that our lorde wolde beco

me man / & suffre so greuous paynes for her þtþat was

so vnkynde a creature to hym. And than wtwyth grete

wepy̅gewepynge she asked our lorde Ihu̅Ihesu how she myghte

beste please hy̅hym. & he answered to her soule saynge

doughter haue mynde of thy wyckednes & thynke

on my goodnes / than she prayed many tymes & of

ten these wordes. Lorde for thy goodnes haue merci

on my grete wyckednes / as certeynly as I was ne

uer so wycked as þuþu arte good ne neuer may be thou

ghe I wolde. for þuþu arte so good þtþat þuþu mayst no better

be & therfore it is gret wonder þtþat euer ony man shol

de be departed fro the without ende.

Whan she sawe the crucyfyxe / or yf she sawe a

man had a wou̅dewounde or a best. Or yf a man bete a chil

de afore her / or smote an hors / or an other beste wtwith

a whype / yf she myght se it or here it. she thought

she sawe our lorde beten or wou̅dedwounded lyke as she sa

we in the man or in the beste.

The more she encreased in loue & in deuocyon /

the more she encreased in sorowe & contrycyon / in

lownesse & mekenesse / & in holy drede of our lorde

Ihesu & in knowlege of her owne freylte. So that

A ii

yf she sawe ony creature be punysshed / or sharpely

chastysed / she wolde thynke that she had ben more

worthy to be chastysed than þtþat creature was for her

vnkyndnes ayenst god. Than wolde she wepe for

her owne synne. & for compassyon of that creature.

In noo thynge that þuþu doost or sayest doughter þuþu

mayst noo better please god / than beleue that he lo⸗

ueth the. For yf it were possyble þtþat I myght wepe wtwith

the. I wolde wepe with the for the compassyon þtþat I

haue of the.

Our mercyfull lorde Ihesu cryste drewe this cre

ture vnto his loue / & to the mynde of his passyon /

that myght not endure to beholde a lepre / or an o⸗

ther seke man / specyally yf he had ony wou̅deswoundes ap

perynge on hym. Soo she wepte as yf she had seen

our lorde Ihesu with his woundes bledy̅gebledynge: & so she

dyde in the syght of the soule / for thrugh the behol

dynge of the seke man / her mynde was all rauys⸗

shed in to our lorde Ihesu / that she had grete mour

nynge and sorwy̅gesorwynge þtþat she myght not kysse þeþe lepre

whan she met them in the way for the loue of our

lorde whiche was all contrarye to her desposycyon

in the yeres of her youthe & prosperyte / for than she

abhorred them moost.

Doughter þuþu haste desyred in thy mynde to haue

many preestes in the towne of lyn̅lynn / that myght sy̅syn

ge & rede nyght and day for to serue me / worshyp

me / & prayse me / and thanke me for the goodnes þtþat

I have do to the in erth / & therfore doughter I pro

myse the thou shalt haue mede & rewarde in heuen

for the good wylles & good desyres / as yf thou had

dest done them in dede.

Doughter þuþu shalte haue as grete mede & as gre⸗

te rewarde with me in heuen. for thy good seruyce &

thy good dedes that thou haste do in thy mynde as

yf thou haddest do þeþe same with thy bodely wyttes

without forth.

And doughter I thanke the / for the charyte that

thou haste to all lecherous men & wy̅menwymmen / for thou

prayest for them & wepest for them many atere de

syrynge þtþat it sholde delyuer them out of synne / & be

as gracyous to them as I was to Mary maudeley

ne / þtþat they myght haue as moche grace to loue me

as Mary maudeleyne had / & with this condyco̅ncondycion þuþu

woldest þtþat eueryche of them sholde haue .xx.li. a ye⸗

re to loue & prayse me / & doughter this grete chary

te whiche þuþu hast to them in thy prayer pleaseth me

ryght well / And doughter also I thanke the for þeþe

charyte whiche þuþu hast in thy prayer whan þuþu prayest

for all Iewes & sarasyns / & al hethen people þtþat they

sholde come to crysten fayth / þtþat my name myght be

magnyfyed in them Furthermore doughter I than

ke the for general charyte þtþat þuþu hast to al people that

be now in this worlde / & to al tho that. are to come

vnto the worldes ende / þtþat thou woldest be hacked as

smalle as flesshe to the potte for theyr loue / soo þtþat I

wolde by thy deth saue them all fro dampnaco̅ndampnacion yf

it pleased me. And therfore doughter / for all these

good wylles and desyres thou shalt haue ful mede

& rewarde in heuen byleue it ryght wel & doute ne

uer a dele.

She sayd good lorde I wolde be layde naked vp

on an hurdel for thy loue al men to wonder on me

& to cast fylth & dyrt on me: & be drawen fro town

to towne euery day my lyfe tyme yf þuþu were pleased

therby / & no ma̅nesmannes soule hyndred/thy wyll be ful

fylled and not myne.

Doughters as oftentymes as þuþu sayest or thy̅kestthynkest

worshypped be all the holy places in Iherusalem

where cryst suffre bytter payne & passyon in / thou

shalt haue haue the same pardon as yf þuþu were wtwith

thy bodely presence / both to thy selfe & to al tho þtþat

thou wylt gyue to.

The same pardon þtþat was grau̅tedgraunted the afore ty⸗

me. it was confermed on saynt Nycolas daye / þtþat is

to say / playne remyssyon / & it is not only grau̅tedgraunted

to þeþe / but also to all tho þtþat beleue / & to all tho þtþat shall

beleue vnto the worldes ende / that god loueth þeþe/ &

shall thanke god for the yf they wyl forsake theyr

synne / & be in full wyll no more to tourne agayne

therto. But be sorye & heuy for þtþat they haue done &

wyll do due penaunce therefore / they shall haue the

same pardon þtþat is grau̅tedgraunted to thy selfe. & þtþat is all þeþe

pardon þtþat is in IerlmIherusalem / as was grau̅tedgraunted þeþe whan þuþu

were at Rafnys.

That day that she suffred noo trybulacyon for

oure lordes sake she was not mery ne gladde / as

that daye whan she suffred trybulacyon.

Pacyence is more worthe than myracles doyng

Doughter it is more plesure to me þtþat thou suffre

despytes / scornes / shames / & repreues / wro̅geswronges / dys

eases / than yf thyne hede were stryken thre tymes

a day euery day in seuen yere.

Lorde for thy grete payne haue mercy on my ly

tell payne.

Whan she was in grete trouble / our lorde sayd /

doughter I must nedes comforte þeþe. for now þuþu hast

þeþe ryght way to heuen / By this way came I & all

my dyscyples / for now þuþu shalt know þeþe better what

sorowe & shame I suffred for thy loue / & þuþu shalte

haue the more compassyon whan thou thynkest on

my passyon.

O my dere worthy lorde: these graces þuþu sholdest

shewe to relygyous men & to prestes.

Our lorde sayd to her ayen / nay nay doughter /

for þtþat I loue best þtþat they loue not / & þtþat is shames/re⸗

preues / scornes / & despytes of þeþe people / & therfore

they shall not haue this grace / for doughter he that

dredeth þeþe shames of this worlde may not parfyght

ly loue god.

Here endeth a shorte treatyse called Margerie

kempe de Lyn̅Lynn. Enprynted in Fletestrete by Wyn⸗

kyn de worde.

A transcription of this folio is not available.